Bewitched Assignment

  1. By Jayson Reddekopp
  2. Bewitched is a character driven show where Darrin played by Dick York is married to Samantha played by Elizabeth Montgomery who has a family that can do magic. This particular episode featured the mom Endora played by Agnes Moorehead who was throwing a small Halloween party to keep out Uncle Arthur played by Paul Lynde but he finds out about it and creates havoc.
  3. Overall this particular episode was well written. The main plot of the episode as well as the many subplots going on throughout the episode were very enjoyable to watch. Some subplots included the lady who can also turn into a cat tried to seduce Darrin and Arthur messing with the investigators. The main plot and the subplots gave this particular episode a lot of entertainment value. The characters are also really uniquely written and easily identifiable for first viewing audiences. In relation to the characters, the dialogue given to the characters was very well done and was written quite naturally. Little to no jokes seemed forced.
  4. The actors that had to embody their characters did a really good job. The dialogue that was written was good but it would’ve gotten a good enough laugh without the excellent comedic timing from the actors. Dick York especially had a lot of really funny quotes throughout the episode as well as his many facial expressions were fun to watch and laugh to. How the characters interacted with each other were also vital to the script and characters and each actor managed to pull it off beautifully. You could really sense the chemistry between Sam and Darrin as well as the irritation Endora feels around Uncle Arthur. Overall the performances seemed very believable and fun to watch.
  5. The last thing which makes this TV show stand out from others were the unique editing that they managed to pull off throughout the episode. More particularly the cuts to certain change within the scene. There was one scene where a character was knocking on a door and as she’s knocking the set of the house was change with a quick cut. Everything from the position of the camera and actor and the change of the set had a smooth looking transition. They did things like this everywhere in the episode and for the 1960’s it was very well done and pretty innovative.
  6. Overall, I thought the story and characters were well written, the performances of the actors were believable, the editing was very impressive. The set design was pretty simplistic but still seemed believable. I would give this episode an 8 out of 10.

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